Deputy Jan

Deputy Jan

January 31 - February 16

by Richard Gremel

Directed by Stephen Frankenfield

Our story takes place in the Old West, a time when cattle roamed free, cowboys walked the streets, and outlaws lurked in every corner. There’s nothing to fear when you have Deputy Jan...right? Unfortunately, Deputy Jan is a coward and always lets the outlaws get away. But when the Sheriff tells him he needs to catch the next outlaws, or else, it’s up to Jan to save the day. He sets out to take on the most notorious outlaws in the West, Hombre and Millie Nair, who have just stolen the secret family root beer recipe from the Rootin’ Tootin’ Root Beer Saloon. Will Jan find his courage and save the day, or will Hombre and Millie Nair get their big heist? Find out while the hilarious action unfolds. Deputy Jan by Richard Gremel runs January 31st through February 16th in the Children’s Theatre. Directed by Stephen Frankenfield and starring Nate Wiley, Rowan Sandeen, Emery McLane, Carlisle Ellis, Matthew Frankenfield, Zuleyl Castro, and Eddie Rodriguez. Showings Saturdays at 5:00 pm and Sundays at 1:00 pm. Tickets start at $15.00.

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"Deputy Jan is a rootin' tootin' heap of fun!"

Taming of The Review:



Opening Night: February 1st, 2025

Regular Performances:

Our story takes place in the Old West, a time when cattle roamed free, cowboys walked the streets, and outlaws lurked in every corner. There’s nothing to fear when you have Deputy Jan…right? Unfortunately, Deputy Jan is a coward and always lets the outlaws get away. But when the Sheriff tells him he needs to catch the next outlaws, or else, it’s up to Jan to save the day. He sets out to take on the most notorious outlaws in the West, Hombre and Millie Nair, who have just stolen the secret family root beer recipe from the Rootin’ Tootin’ Root Beer Saloon. Will Jan find his courage and save the day, or will Hombre and Millie Nair get their big heist? Find out while the hilarious action unfolds.

Deputy Jan by Richard Gremel runs January 31st through February 16th in the Children’s Theatre. Directed by Stephen Frankenfield and starring Nate Wiley, Rowan Sandeen, Emery McLane, Carlisle Ellis, Matthew Frankenfield, Zuleyl Castro, and Eddie Rodriguez. Showings Saturdays at 5:00 pm and Sundays at 1:00 pm. Tickets start at $15.00.

COVID Safety Guidelines

About The Artists

Nate Wiley

Deputy Jan

Nate Wiley

Nathaniel Wiley, he/him (Deputy Jan) has performed professionally with Live Theatre Workshop, Saguaro City Music Theatre, and Arizona Theatre Company. Favorite roles include Winthrop Paroo (THE MUSIC MAN), Zacky Price (BIG FISH), Max Hilliard (THE UNINVITED), Shrek (SHREK, JR.) and Dylan (TAKE A HIKE). In October he stage managed RAPUNZEL: A HIP HOP MUSICAL here at Live Theatre Workshop. Last summer he appeared as the student reporter and cohost of the 2024 MONTE AWARDS at Arts Express Theatre. His podcast, TheatreQs, functions as a way for theatre kids to learn from experienced professionals around the industry. Nate will be performing next in MARY POPPINS at Catalina Foothills High School as George Banks. He thanks you for supporting LTW and this amazing cast and hopes you enjoy the show!

Rowan Sandeen


Rowan Sandeen

Rowan Sandeen, she/her (Sandy) is currently a sophomore at Catalina Foothills High School and has always loved storytelling. Some of Rowan’s favorite roles include Janet Van De Graaff (THE DROWSY CHAPERONE, JR.), Margo (JOHNSTON TOWN SPRINGS THE MAKING OF A CINEMATIC MASTERPIECE), Wednesday Addams (THE ADDAMS FAMILY, JR.), Veruca Salt (WILLY WONKA, JR.), and the Ghost of Carmel (THE UNINVITED). She wants to thank her family and friends for always coming to watch her perform, and LTW for this opportunity. Oh, and Taylor Swift. She hopes you enjoy the show!!

Emery McLane


Emery McLane

Emery McLane, he/they (Willy The Little Kid) is a 4th grader at Roskruge K-8 school. He is bilingual, and he loves legos, tigers, and acting. He also loves writing stories and scripts. Emery started classes at Live Theatre Workshop in 2023; his favorite role has been Prince John in LITTLE RED ROBIN HOOD. He has been in eight plays including this one. He would like to give a shout out to LTW for being amazing and teaching acting!

Carlisle Ellis

Pops/Granny Smith

Carlisle Ellis

Carlisle Ellis (Pops, Granny Smith) is honored to be in DEPUTY JAN! Carlisle received training at the University of Washington and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival High School Apprentice programs, Stanford University, and the Arizona Theater Company theatre classes. She has performed with many local theaters including Borderlands, the Invisible Theatre, Arizona Repertory Theatre, Live Theatre Workshop and The Scoundrel and Scamp. Some favorite roles include Titania in A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM, Gracie in FAITH HEALER, Shirley Valentine, M’Lynn in STEEL MAGNOLIAS, Kate in BRIGHTON BEACH MEMOIRS and BROADWAY BOUND, Rabbit in POOH, Mrs ConKleen in Wolfe Bowart’s ONE TWIG AT A TIME, and La Bruja Quemada OSO FUERTE, written and directed by Michael Martinez, at LTW’s Children’s Theatre!

Matthew Frankenfield


Matthew Frankenfield

Matthew Frankenfield (Sheriff) has been doing theatre for over ten years. His favorite roles include Scuttle in THE LITTLE MERMAID, Horton the Elephant in SEUSSICAL, Jean Vlad Van Norris in THE DAY ZOMBIES ATTACKED FAIRFIELD, Thisbe in A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM, and if we continue listing things, the word “favorite” would start to lose its meaning. His play, THE PERFECT SANDWICH, was selected for the fifth annual Young Playwrights of Tucson showcase, and he received a Superior for his other play, WAFFLE FRIES OR REGULAR? at the Southern Arizona Festival of Theater in 2024. Outside of acting, Matthew enjoys video games, editing, and forcing me to write his bios for him. Please help me.

Zuleyl Castro

Millie Nair

Zuleyl Castro

Zuleyl Castro (Millie): Zuleyl’s recent work includes ANITA with Borderlands Theatre, AMADEUS with Winding Road, and PUFFS: A ONE ACT FOR YOUNG WIZARDS at Live Theatre Workshop. She is also a member of the Charles Darwin Experience improv troupe at the UA and performs in weekly shows. Zuleyl would like to thank her friends and family for always encouraging her creative endeavors and bearing with always being asked to be the other reader when reviewing lines.

Eddie Rodriguez


Eddie Rodriguez

Eddie Rodriguez (Hombre) is a Tucson native, actor, director, technician, filmmaker, teaching artist, and a motorcyclist fanatic with an AFA in Visual and Performing Arts from Pima Community College. He works full-time for the Arts Integration Programs at Literacy Connects for STORIES THAT SOAR! as a Production Manager. Eduardo has performed in and out of Tucson for many years. Eduardo has numerous credits, including DJ IN ONEDERLAND, DIA DE LOS MUERTOS, MAMMA MIA!, TARTUFFE, and IN THE HEIGHTS. Eduardo wishes to thank Live Theatre Workshop, for this opportunity in the production of DEPUTY JAN. Thank you to the people who have always supported him. Thank you to my parents, Q, teachers, mentors, friends, and my beautiful Fiancé, Taylor.

Stephen Frankenfield


Stephen Frankenfield

Stephen Frankenfield (Director) is LTW’s Associate Artistic Director. He is a graduate of (AAMDA) American Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts in New York City. He writes and directs for LTW’s Children’s Theatre, as well as the Education Department. He has had 7 of his plays published and produced around the world, in schools and other youth organizations. LTW has been his second home for over 25 years, both for acting and directing. Some of his notable acting credits include: STONES IN HIS POCKET, THE GAME’S AFOOT OR, HOLMES FOR THE HOLIDAY, I HATE HAMLET, THE WIZARD OF OZ, and TOOTH FAIRIES IN TRAINING. Some of his directing credits include: MOON OVER BUFFALO and THE GREAT ZANTINI AND THE MAGIC THIEF. He has been nominated for 7 Arizona Daily Star Mac Awards, five times for acting and twice for directing. He’d like to give a big thank you to his two boys who continue to inspire him everyday, on and off stage.

Claire Oda

Music Director

Claire Oda

Claire Oda, she/her (Music Director) is so grateful to be part of the team! Her main role at Live Theatre Workshop is as the Box Office and Facilities Assistant, which means she’s the one who collects the bios and headshots you see on the website and lobby board. So she can Definitely, Positively, Absolutely assure you that she submitted this bio and headshot to herself before the deadline (Honest!!). She also teaches in some of the classes at LTW, which means she’s gotten to be the Music Director for A YEAR WITH FROG AND TOAD KIDS, TRIAL OF THE WICKED WITCH, and DROWSY CHAPERONE JR, for the Mini, Tween, and Jr Players respectively. Her two favorite shows that she’s acted in were SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN JR and INTO THE WOODS JR as a high schooler, and Catherine Oda’s NO OTHER NEMESIS as an adult. She’s got lots to say about how awesome the DEPUTY JAN cast and crew are, but there’s a 175 word limit so she’ll keep this brief. First of all,

Holli Diffin


Holli Diffin

Holli Diffin (Choreographer) is a graduate of the Pacific Conservatory of the Performing Arts and the University of Arizona. Growing up in Tucson, she was bitten by the theatre bug early on and began performing in local productions at a young age. Some of her favorite roles with Live Theatre Workshop include Carnelle in The Miss Firecracker Contest, Lizzie in The Rainmaker, Corie in Barefoot in the Park, Shelby in Steel Magnolias, Lorraine the Squirrel in Jeremy Frey Kicked a Hole in the Sky, Maggie in Dancing at Lughnasa, Lil’ Bit in How I Learned to Drive, Lucy in Snoopy, The Musical!!!, Dr. V in No Other Nemesis, and as Sylvia in A.R. Gurney’s Sylvia for which she earned the 2005 AZ Daily Star Mac Award for Best Actress. Holli feels incredibly fortunate to serve in many fulfilling capacities as part of the LTW administrative staff. She is grateful to work with such creative, inspiring, and genuinely wonderful people.

Julia Hupp

Stage Manager

Julia Hupp

Julia Hupp, she/her (Stage Manager) is very excited to be a part of this wonderful production! She has been stage managing since high school, and some of her past shows at LTW include DRY POWDER, STONES IN HIS POCKETS, THE WAIT, THE REALISTIC JONESES, and LUCY AND RICKY LIVE. She has also been acting for many years, and some of her past roles were Hamlet in CANNED HAMLET, Wilbur Holmes in THE ADVENTURES OF WILBUR HOLMES: SHERLOCK’S COUSIN, TWICE REMOVED, and Hunyak in CHICAGO. She has been in several of the family shows at Live Theatre Workshop, including THE GREAT ZANTINI AND THE MAGIC THIEF (Regina Renly Rabbit), GOODIES GOONS AND GOBLINS – A HALLOWEEN BASH (J. Parker Pumpkin), and TAKE A HIKE (Jamie). She just graduated from the University of Arizona where she earned her BA in Film and Television. She is thrilled that you came to see the show, and hopes you enjoy it as much as she does!

Richard Gremel

Playwright/Lighting Design/Technical Advisor

Richard Gremel

Richard Gremel (Playwright/Lighting Designer) is honored to have another one of his plays performed by Live Theatre Workshop. Richard is a graduate from the University of Arizona where he received his B.F.A. in Theatre Education. Richard is the acting and technical theatre teacher at Empire High School. He is the recipient of the Arizona Thespians Teacher of the year (2017-2018 & 2023-2024) and the OnMedia Tucson Arts Hero (2018-2019). Richard has written over 30 plays and musicals. He currently has 12 published plays which have been seen all over the United States, Canada, India, Hong Kong, England, Italy, and Australia. For more information on Richard Gremel and his plays, you can visit

Logan LaGrange

Set Construction

Logan LaGrange

Logan LaGrange, He/Him (Lead Set Builder) is currently a senior at Empire High School and has been participating backstage in theater for five years. He enjoys hiking, kayaking, and puzzles. He is the Vice President of Empire’s thespian troupe, stage manager of their advanced drama class, and was recently named a National Honor Thespian. He has placed top 2 in regional and state tech challenge competitions in speed knot tying, and is the lighting operator for the 2024 Arizona Chapter Select One Act, IN THE FORESTS OF THE NIGHT. Logan’s favorite productions he’s been a part of was set designing for Chicago Teen Edition, acting as the character “Stage Manager” for KING CHARLIE’S ANGELS, and playing The Boulder in SPONGEBOB THE MUSICAL.

Amanda Gremel

Set Design

Amanda Gremel

Amanda Gremel (Set Design) is the Artistic Director of Education here at LTW, which means she gets the chance to create wonderful seasons for our Children’s Theatre full of original and magical productions like the one you are about to see. She also runs our Education program which has grown so much over the past few years. She takes pride and honor in the work that her students accomplish each session and hopes to share with all children and their families the joy that comes with having arts in your life. Aside from enjoying her day job, She also directs, does choreography and she also likes to take to the stage from time to time. She was last seen on the Main Stage as Patsy Cline in ALWAYS…..PATSY CLINE, the many Women in NO WAY TO TREAT A LADY, earning her a MAC nomination, Bertha in BOEING BOEING and Chorus in HOW I LEARNED TO DRIVE which won the MAC Award for best Drama. On the Children’s Theatre some of her favorite roles are the Cowardly Lion in THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ, the Golden Goose in JACK AND THE BEANSTALK, Merlia in KING ARTHUR, and the Sheriff of Nottingham in ROBIN HOOD.

Karin Hupp

Prop Master

Karin Hupp

Karin Hupp (Prop Master) has been the prop master for over eight years; she also does scenic painting and box office. Some of her favorite projects included the wedding cake for ONE SLIGHT HITCH, the hound from BASKERVILLE: A SHERLOCK MYSTERY, and the cookies from FROG AND TOAD. Favorite scenes she has painted include Dorothy Parker’s VICIOUS CIRCLE and the bookshelves in THE COLUMNIST. Karin enjoys working for LTW because it helps her grow as an artist.

Janet Salese

Costume Design

Janet Salese

Janet Salese (Costumes) got to play in the children’s theatre again! She so enjoys the fantasy of this magical place. It usually offers a challenge, making a holster and bloomers this time, that she delights in. Stephen said to have fun, and she did. Janet has been doing costumes for over a decade for Tucson Shakespeare in the Park and LTW. She thanks her partner Mike for letting her pursue her passions.